Take charge of your healthcare by joining us at Salamat.
What we offer
Body Composition and Metabolism Analysis
Visceral fat has been implicated in most chronic health conditions and cancers. All our patients will have access to a body composition monitor during their visit which will give them crucial information about their weight and levels of visceral fat. Additionally, it is crucial to understand one’s metabolism as everyone has a unique basal metabolic rate (calories one burns at rest) that varies and will provide guidance for any plans for weight loss.
A Dedicated Healthcare Team
With a team of healthcare professionals we are here to assist with our expertise in helping our patients unlock their healthiest potential while still enjoying their day to day lives.
Diet and Exercise Prescription
Too many people in health care focus on medications or crash diets to assist with weight loss without spending much time explaining the benefits of very subtle tweaks in diet and exercise routines that could provide long lasting results.
What is Salamat?
Salamat means health in Persian. For too long, chronic medical conditions have been accepted as permanent. Many medical practitioners hesitate to discuss that most conditions can be improved or reversed with lifestyle changes. We aim to change this by personalizing our approach to medicine, focusing on wellness rather than just illness, so our patients can achieve longer, healthier lives.